Wednesday, June 5, 2013

A simple sentence is made up of only one independent clause.

A simple sentence is made up of only one independent clause

Bob went to the mall. This is an example of a independent clause.
Therefore, " Bob went to the mall" is a simple sentence.
Ok.... So, what is a Clause any way!!!   Well, a clause is a group of words that has a subject and a verb... Bob (the subject) went (the verb).
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****************   A Compound Sentence is made up of two or more independent clauses.    example; Bob went to the mall, but he did not buy anything.  Ok....So,what is a independent clause!!! Just like it sounds: a independent clause is independent (it can stand by it-self).  Example;   Allah (God) has given us life....  A dependent clause can not stand by it-self. Example;  Because he just got paid, ( we need to add an independent clause with it before it is completed).

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*Learn about - adjective, nouns, verbs adverbs, prepositions and the prepositional phrase, pronouns, conjunctions, the subjects and predicate, the run on sentence and comma splice, subject and verb agreement.    Please buy this paper back book and give one to a friend, send only $7.95 to : or $yacub333
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********  A Complex sentence is made up of One independent clause with One or More dependent clauses.   example;  Bob went to the mall because he just got paid. The dependent clause is "because he just got paid".  If I say- Because he just got paid, Bob went to the mall. - notice that a comma is used...( Grammar rule- when a dependent clause starts the sentence, then a comma is placed before the independent clause).


*************  A Compound- Complex sentence is made up of Two independent clauses With One or more dependent clauses.   example;  Bob went to the mall, but he did not buy anything because he did not get paid today.

                                  For Parts of Speech....... Please go to: Learning English...Easy as you T H I N K...e-book...on amazon
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For other concepts on Grammar
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Stay Health, Why not Good health may be a choice that is really up to the person that either wants it or don’t understand it. When one has no idea why he or she can not lose weight while all of their friends are; that’s what is meant by “ don’t understand”. The people at a href=""> know how to truly help.

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